





The rapid development of science and technology has caused tremendous changes in people's daily lives. The rapid development of electronic information technology has made the application level of electronic information technology in various fields popular and applied. The arrival of the information age has become an irresistible fashion trend, and the history of human development is entering a new era. In practical application, the working rules and development steps of application software are used to build a popular science website for young people's aerospace knowledge using Java technology.

This design mainly implements a youth aerospace knowledge popular science website that integrates the advantages of humanization, efficiency, and convenience, and completes functional modules such as rotation map, announcement information, resource management (China Aerospace Engineering, Information Classification), system users, and module management (basic knowledge, aerospace culture, popular science classification, latest trends, related information, daily articles, and satellites). The system communicates with the server through a browser to achieve data interaction and change. This system improves work efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage through scientific management methods and convenient services. Youth aerospace knowledge and popular science website uses Java language, uses SSM technology based on MVC mode for development, and uses Eclipse 2017 CI 10 compiler to write. In terms of data, it mainly uses Microsoft's MySQL relational database as the data storage medium, and cooperates with front-end HTML+CSS technology to complete the system development.

Key words: Popular science of aerospace knowledge among young people; Java language; Relational database; data storage

目   录

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