




摘 要
该自助甜品网站采用B/S架构、前后端分离以及MVC模型进行设计,并采用Java语言以及 SpringBoot框架进行开发。本系统主要设计并完成了用户注册、登录,购买甜品过程、个人信息修改等,管理员对用户、甜品、网站留言、系统和订单等功能,进行维护与管理。该系统操作简单,界面设计简单,不仅能基本满足目前网上自助甜品网站的日常管理工作,而且能有效降低人员成本和时间成本,为网上自助甜品网站工作提供方便。
关键词:自助甜品网站;B/S 架构;SpringBoot框架

Today’s society has entered a new era of scientific and technological progress and rapid economic and social development. International information and academic exchanges have also been strengthened, the impact of computer technology on economic and social development and the improvement of people’s lives has also become increasingly prominent, and the way of human survival and thinking has also changed. The traditional shopping method adopts the manual management method, but this management method has many disadvantages, such as low efficiency, low security and inaccurate information transmission. At the same time, due to the formation of a large number of personal documents and information system data in the shopping management information system, the centralized management of shopping information through manual methods will form more troublesome management problems such as retrieval, change and maintenance, At the same time, due to the increasing demand of the people for shopping management, units at all levels need to continue to carry out new reforms to meet the needs of the times. According to this problem, the development of a self-service dessert website can not only greatly improve the efficiency of information retrieval, change and maintenance, but also facilitate the management and application of information systems, thus reducing information management costs and improving efficiency.
The self-service dessert website is designed with B/S architecture, front and back end separation and MVC model, and developed with Java language and SpringBoot framework. The system mainly designs and completes user registration, login, dessert purchase process, personal information modification, etc. The administrator maintains and manages the functions of users, dessert, website message, system and order. The system has simple operation and simple interface design, which can not only basically meet the daily management of the current online self-service dessert website, but also effectively reduce the personnel cost and time cost, and provide convenience for the work of the online self-service dessert website.
Key words: self-service dessert website; B/S architecture; SpringBoot framework

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